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Cheats market faq/terms

Cheats Market FAQ
If you have any question about Cheats Market.

Q: How to become a Seller, on Cheats Market?
A: You have to purchase Seller role, you can do it on this page Account Upgrades.
Everything that you have to know about this role, will be on that page!


Q: What happen, If my Seller role will expire, my cheat will be deleted?
A: No, you will just lose ability to edit it, if you have any problem Contact us

Q: How can I increase the amount of redirects to my website??
A: Make sure you have good up to date...

  • Full Description
  • Cheat ICON
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Any Cheat Media (Showcase & Highlights)
  • Screenshots from Game (ESP & MENU)
  • Additional Information URL
  • Alternative Support URL
  • Tags for Better SEO score
  • Positive Feedbacks

Q: Is there any way to promote my cheat, on market?
A: Yes, you can buy ads on Ads Manager.

Q: I have a question, or difficulty, where can I get any help?
A: If you need any help, Contact us.

Cheats Market Terms

By purchasing seller role, you accept the following terms...

Seller role is only refundable in few cases!
Administrator will always be responsible for final verdict.
Cheat you are promoting must be available for sale to everyone.
Promoting any cheat software is forbidden if...

  • There are doubt about breaking any license (pasted cheat)
  • Is not available to buy, but staff will take money for future subscription (exit scam)

If you break any of these rules, your cheat will be terminated from market,
and in these cases refund of Seller role is impossible! If you are promoting cheat that...

  • Has bad reputation
  • Has critical bugs
  • Has bad security

It may be removed from public view by administrator, refunds in these cases are
fully possible, but Administrator will always be responsible for final verdict.
