Safe Safe File - file was approved, and checked by staff, and it is safe to use.
Unknown Unknown File - file status is unknown, use at your own risk!
Risk Risk File - file actions are unusual possibly malicious, use at your own risk!
Net Net File - file is handling network connection, or file is able to do it.
Puzzle Puzzle File - file was virtualized, accurate analysis has been hindered.
Crack Cracked File - cracked file, If you would like to report Copyrighted/DMCA file.
Leak Leaked File - leaked file, If you would like to report Copyrighted/DMCA file.
Choosing method by which we will analyze file
Static analysis
Analysis of assembly code, file is not executed
Dynamic analysis
Running software in VM Environment, monitoring behaviors with debuggers
Deleting file or accepting it, with an appropriate prefix
Depending on need, certain steps may be skipped by staff member, only forum staff has right to make a judgement about status of the file. It is taken into account that there is always a risk of improper judgement, that safe file may be deleted, or malicious file may be accepted. We cannot be sure that every file on forum is safe to use!