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Recent content by ampuja

  1. ampuja

    Safe Le csgo_sdk by ruka

    thank you for the correction, i was not aware of this
  2. ampuja

    Safe Le csgo_sdk by ruka

    where have you seen this posted before? i havent found it. the dll was sent to me directly from ruka, and as far as i know he was a) the only developer and b) never gave it to anyone else
  3. ampuja

    Safe Cra Memesense free ( outdated as of 14.03 )

    posting this from a vacbanned account should give users an idea of the cheats safety lol...
  4. ampuja

    Safe Le csgo_sdk by ruka

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/5859b36e1a2c4103c2b6b29371785af5ea46c3d43b7b115be95625afc37bd849?nocache=1 Screenshot of Cheat Menu: CFG Path: gonna keep it a buck i was not able to find it in the 45 seconds i looked and i dont care enough to track it down. this was...
  5. ampuja

    Source Code Alias Identifier

    This is a simple alias identifier made in the supremacy sdk. yes i am aware that i COULD be using an unordered_map, but i dont wanna. you can either render this directly in esp or you can update it in some sort of player list like i have (hence the existence of AddEntryToJsonFile)
  6. ampuja

    Source Code Cheat getze.us source code csgo legacy 2018

    Screenshot of Cheat Menu: freeed before but i guess it was deleted from yougame, so im reuploading it since the repo is still private most recent push to the github was april 2023
  7. ampuja

    Info Gamesense free Malware

    never trust a dll, no point risking a rootkit when you could just wait for the loader to be fixed. mfs cant be patient for shit.
  8. ampuja

    Source Code Cheat Gucci source

    CFG Path: no cfg system given to me by dutu like two or three years ago, its been rotting ever since.