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Recent content by bozoslayer47

  1. bozoslayer47

    Source Code Supremacy Crashing [DEX Base]

    Just to clarify, yes its being build in X86 (Release) It works usually, but randomly broke.
  2. bozoslayer47

    Source Code Supremacy Crashing [DEX Base]

    Hello, does anyone know why the base supremacy by dex, crashes? If I'm not completely wrong isn't it something related to "VS Redists?" It only crashes sometimes, and it will everntually randomly fix itself?
  3. bozoslayer47

    Request [HELP] Server Version 659 (Legacy)

    We did that but, we need the correct client/server version (not 659)
  4. bozoslayer47

    Request [HELP] Server Version 659 (Legacy)

    Hello, does anyone know where you can find the server files for 2018 build 659?
  5. bozoslayer47

    Tutorial Proper Legacy Launch Fix (Popup Blocking menu, unable to join servers)

    Steamversion won't cause crash, so its related to something else.
  6. bozoslayer47

    Tutorial Proper Legacy Launch Fix (Popup Blocking menu, unable to join servers)

    Proper fix, for the game closing when launching 2018. First, go to your "2018 March" install folder -> and go into the "csgo" folder. Find your steam.inf config file, and open it. It should say something like "ClientVersion=650" and you need to change that to "ClientVersion=2000258" When you...