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Recent content by encrypted

  1. encrypted

    Unknown⠀ Cra kamidere.moe freeed by t.me/hydrareverse

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/1c00004a8b559b9f0b7a568408d164ddc4a3332475f8fe3c29ad3e31bb176319 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: INJECT IMMEDIATELY WHEN U START THE GAME, DONT WAIT FOR MAIN MENU, OR IT WILL CRASH CFG...
  2. encrypted

    Unknown⠀ pandora fixed (the old dll crashes)

    /del what is this another lada
  3. encrypted

    Safe Cra ev0lve.xyz free

    @Plisskien @Giuseppe delete this lada bullshit, please, angry literal bullshit, uses retarded shit and is outdated, also nice "free"
  4. encrypted

    Safe Cra ev0lve.xyz free

    free? what is there to free, this angry lada shit is just a printf of your "credits" even tho you didnt even free it...
  5. encrypted

    Info What are steam modules?

    So, i was listing today at the forums of hackvshack and i saw a post which can be found here. So let's deeply explain steam modules. Steam modules are used to allocate the hack's memory, modules have been known in game hacking for years, so, what are they? Steam modules in the context of game...
  6. encrypted

    Source Code How to fix a broken source?

  7. encrypted

    What are steam modules?

    steam modules are for allocating cheat memory
  8. encrypted

    Source Code GAMESENSE.DOGSHIT Source v4

  9. encrypted

    Source Code Cheat Gamesense.dog V3 source

  10. encrypted

    anyone got themida free?

    i need a themida free as the one from the forums dont work since anonfiles is down
  11. encrypted

    Request Keyauth C++ Loader source

    Hi, i'm looking for a Keyauth C++ loader source code that is already setted up, if someone's willing to help i'd be thankful.
  12. encrypted

    Safe Cra Fatality.win FIXED 8/6/23

    am i the only one that has the controls reversed with this?
  13. encrypted

    Unknown⠀ Le skeet.cc/gamesense.pub Loader [Unreversed]

    My progress while reversing this is barely anything, the protection that is put into this loader is insane.
  14. encrypted

    Unknown⠀ Net TheSense - EnGamesense full by me & minionleader

    having an iq over 50 would make you understand this page