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Recent content by Plisskien

  1. Plisskien

    Unknown⠀ Puzzle Stellarix CS2

    Use manual map injection option
  2. Plisskien

    Request Question

    Theoretically yes, but it can change. If you want to use it just use google to download it :)
  3. Plisskien

    Request Question

    Yes, it was removed, since this is loader that could be used to download anything including malicious payload.
  4. Plisskien

    Request Create off topic channel

    Yeah, cuz at this point this is just spam... General chat can be seen as off topic sub-forum, but still make posts with some value, there is no need to post something that nobody would care about.
  5. Plisskien

    Safe Cra Memesense free 5.3.25

    use manual map
  6. Plisskien

    Safe Cra Memesense free 5.3.25

    File was updated, and now everything is fine with movement.
  7. Plisskien

    Safe Cra Memesense free 5.3.25

    They won't gave a oh no, but I should do sth about it Cool, but this is generic detection from one engine that is shit, you have to understand that cheats and malwares have a lot in common, this is why there is need to manually check each cheat...
  8. Plisskien

    Safe Cra Memesense free 5.3.25

    RAT and keylogger are two different things, and nowadays nobody is making keyloggers, and RATs are used only for specific targets...
  9. Plisskien

    Source Code Source code

    then you can't do more, but ngl cheat source 60mb is weird thing
  10. Plisskien

    Request please dont be dumbass like RISIPR

    Ty for post, but there is always possibility of malware in any file, even in file that was marked as safe, this is why we have this thread: https://hackvshack.net/threads/all-hackvshack-net-malicious-threads-incidents.2746/ The thing I like is fact that we (so me and @Vantl) execute any cheat...
  11. Plisskien

    Source Code Source code

    still too big, look for files that are from complication process etc...
  12. Plisskien

    Safe Cra Memesense free 5.3.25

    then pm to me with fixed file, and I'll update it
  13. Plisskien

    Safe Cra Memesense free 5.3.25

    I could walk, but there was sth wrong with movement ngl
  14. Plisskien

    Source Code Source code

    Also remove all folders such as x64, x32, build, release, etc... so then we have only src files.