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Recent content by trashytanky

  1. trashytanky

    Unknown⠀ Le Rifk7 2018 new build (From Rifk coder)

    i have a different problem. it doesnt shoot, like ever
  2. trashytanky

    Unknown⠀ Le Rifk7 2018 new build (From Rifk coder)

    now it works, if you wanna know how i fixed it i opened csgo and literally did nothing didnt touch my keyboard or mouse, then when the menu loaded i opened the console and connected to a server that doesnt exist (to fix the account error thing but also just to try for fun) then ran the debug...
  3. trashytanky

    Unknown⠀ Le Rifk7 2018 new build (From Rifk coder)

    worked once, crashed and now doesnt work at all
  4. trashytanky

    Safe Cra Dopium

    uhhhh i just found something for anyone that doesnt know, if you go to a .dll on virus total and then go to details, scroll down and find urlmon.dll that probably means its a rat, to make sure press the plus next to and if it says "URLDownloadToFileA" that means its a rat and i just found that...
  5. trashytanky

    Unknown⠀ Puzzle Le monolith.club fix by underical.cc (not mine)

    original link bc anon files kys workupload.com/file/pVfpSj4dqgd
  6. trashytanky

    Unknown⠀ Puzzle Le monolith.club fix by underical.cc (not mine)

    please change the website lets hope he does
  7. trashytanky

    HvH CFG my aimware cfg

    thats because you need to import the cfg you retard aimware v4/ aimware 2018 cfg system doesn't work, you can only import configs and export them (thats why they made it a txt) to use it just copy the text and go into csgo with it copied and aimware injected and then just press import config or...
  8. trashytanky

    LUA Pack HvH CFG hvh fatality config (csgo 2023)

    also forgot to mention you need to remember that L is for dormant aim and that you should probably turn it on
  9. trashytanky

    Safe Cra PlagueCheat V5 owned already xDxDxD

    skeet. skeet got freeed. twice, both in csgo and cs2
  10. trashytanky

    LUA Pack HvH CFG hvh fatality config (csgo 2023)

    scripts/script pack : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1chhkPiaUD9WFu0v5AaiSHIr19iM8DpEZ?usp=sharing (original thread with scripts : https://hackvshack.net/threads/fatality-win-free-invited-cfg-lua-pack.4155/) i got about 100 kills-ish with this config (Note: im not the one who made the...
  11. trashytanky

    HvH CFG Edward22 Fatality Cfg

    change it to something else that isn't a discord link like maybe google drive or like workupload
  12. trashytanky

    Pack HvH CFG legacy cfg pack

    make a new link and make sure the link isn't able to expire like this:
  13. trashytanky

    HvH CFG FDP Client CFG

    yeah for what server?