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Recent content by xleakfraud

  1. xleakfraud

    Request looking for someone to make me a loader

    c# is very bad for this kind of stuff since you can free it easily try making it in cpp
  2. xleakfraud

    Request Asm/Assembly hitsound.

    In zip file
  3. xleakfraud


    show menu and features atleest
  4. xleakfraud

    Cheat where is fake duck on gs

    antiaim tab
  5. xleakfraud

    Source Code 2018 Foot-Yaw Resolver

    make it sup paste ready so i can just paste it in thanks
  6. xleakfraud

    Source Code northed.us (desync) self free

    persona freeed his own hack LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  7. xleakfraud

    Info Hello, did anyone hear about northed.us?

    yes i got dll freeing on 4 subs ezezezezeeze
  8. xleakfraud

    Request can anyone make visualize sounds through walls for skeet? (csgo)

    how are u using skeet for legit in csgo LOL
  9. xleakfraud

    Request Is there any cheats for the 2013 csgo version??

    well it just says "Updating executable" on mine and never launches
  10. xleakfraud

    Request suggestion: csgo legacy 2013/14 hvh

    its possible but prob only with friends u trust
  11. xleakfraud

    Request Is there any cheats for the 2013 csgo version??

    wait are u able to play the beta demoviewer 2013 cuz when i launch it it just says Updating executable and nothing happends
  12. xleakfraud

    Request suggestion: csgo legacy 2013/14 hvh

    pretty sure u can make a sv for 2013 but i dont think anyone will play it since in 2013 csgo had no protection so u can get ratted if u join a server and a user has the tools
  13. xleakfraud

    Request Is there any cheats for the 2013 csgo version??

    u should make a section for 2013