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  1. Tutorial How to download 2018 using steam depot downloader

    This tutorial will show you how to download the 2018 client. Brought to you by Dick's Legacy HvH and The Colosseum HvH Steps: 1) Downloading the depot downloader download the [depot downloader]( and make sure to download the...
  2. Tutorial Complete tutorial to 2018 HvH on Linux (Wine/Lutris)

    This tutorial might apply to other HvH depots. Install Lutris and wine-ge from the package manager of your choice. Open Lutris, press the "+" button in the upper-left corner, select "Search the Lutris website for installers" and search for "Steam". Scroll until you find Steam (2003, Windows)...
  3. LUA My first Pandora Lua 2018&legacy

    Hi, I'm Zuzie&Axeline, and this is my first Lua for Pandora. It's a very basic Lua that sends a different roundsay each round and a different message each time you kills a player. I hope you like it and I invite you to leave me some suggestions regarding it, whether it's about adding or...
  4. legacy luckycharms

    im not sure at all but is ther any way get some version of luckycharms for 2018 ?