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  1. Nonecxenultilon

    Request Fatality free csgo crash with error SocketThread

    File: C:\buildworker\steam_rel_client_win32\build\src\tier0\threadtools.cpp Line: 3465 Assertion: Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'SocketThread' does anyone know how to fix that?
  2. Bug CSGO 2023 sound problem

    Idk why when I inject fat4 free in csgo 2k23 , the sound just crash and i cant listen nothing while im playing .-. I verified the files 2 times and the problem still, can someone help me please 🙏🏼
  3. cttrr

    CS2 Crash on any HvH Cheat injection

    Hello guys, recently tried injecting Axion and tripit.cc software, cs2 crashes after injection. Only darkaim cheat works perfectly. All VC and DirectX libaries are updated, antivirus off. Please help !!!