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csgo 2019

  1. Other How to change cheat from 2020 to 2019 legacy?

    help please, i don't know how do this shit, i don't know where are offsets, index, structures, help please discord: trigg3r5779
  2. List New server for CSGO legacy 2019

    Server IP is for all the mfs who wanna hvh on 2k19
  3. HvH CFG *2019* Fatality configs

    Here are some configs for 2019 fatality. Config location is your csgo folder. Slot1 is from me, and i didnt test the other configs.
  4. HvH CFG Onetap v2 configs

    They are made for 2019, however they should work on any version of V2. Config location: Your csgo folder. Location for the sounds: YOUR_CSGO_FOLDER\csgo\sound
  5. HvH CFG StickRPG config (2019)

    A config for a weird looking xy0 paste. Dont expect much from the config, hitchance is zero, since the cheat wont shoot otherwise. I dont really recommend using this cheat, but if you want to, then go ahead, here is a config for it. Config Location: Documents\stickrpq
  6. Tutorial Download CS:GO 2019 version

    Tbh, i didnt really know where to post this, so i decided it would kind of fit here. Im going to try to make it as good as @Plisskien 's tutorial for 2018 csgo. First step, as usual, you need to download this game version, here is the link (i recommend downloading it from drive, since its...