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  1. Cra Cheats for *2019* CS:GO Onetap V2, Fatality, Rifk7,, StickRPG

    ---------------- Update: 2022.02.12: -added virtuosity -added nixware ----------------- I'm gonna update this post, with whatever cheat i can get. I'm going to try my best to put all working, safe 2019 cheats here. If you have a cheat, that is not here, and you want it to be posted, feel free to...
  2. HvH CFG Rifk7 configs (2019)

    Both configs are rage. Rage is made by me, the other is by someone else. Config location is on the disk your csgo is on. Example: I:\Csgo\2019 <-- my csgo location I: <-- config location.