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  1. muiecfr

    LUA Pack HvH CFG Rage CFG Improved version of the cfg posted recently.

    Things changed: - better antiaim (using rebellion lua) - added Corsa's resolver - improved ragebot a bit See visuals : https://hackvshack.net/threads/new-up-to-date-gamesense-hvh-config-using-drainyaw-extra-luas.6019/
  2. muiecfr

    Pack HvH CFG HvH best cfg for Gamesense + autoload (wraith lua)

    How to use 1. Put autoload folder in SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive 2. Put autoload lua in skeet lua folder 3. Click allow unsafe scripts 4. Load autoload lua 5. Load config 6.Go destroy
  3. Unknown⠀ Injector for QHide Gamesense free (VAC SUPPORT)

    Source of injector for QHide gamesense. This is a regular loadlibrary injector that allocates csgo.exe memory in a certain address, gamesense cr4ck need specific base address to work. Need to be skeet.dll in folder with injector. VAC injection support (thanks to...
  4. Jprefect

    Script CSGO Neverlose, Gamesense AA lua script evalate

    Server link: Discord server Features: Short list of unique features Accent color - One color for all visual elements. Сloud Presets › Presets of users directly in script. Defensive builder › Min\Max, Speed, Many options. Live burning - Updates one notification when an enemy burns and does...
  5. PelfoxZXC

    LUA Gamesense teamskeet v4 fixed (#outdated lua fix)

    Here asf boring lua for real paste user's
  6. Jprefect

    Other CSGO, CS2 cheats, configs, tournaments, gw

    Discord server: - CSGO HvH tournament - Giveaways - GameSense, Neverlose config - Anti-Aim settings - In-Future CS2 external, and configs - Other cheat configs incoming - More updates and news in discord: Discord server link
  7. ᴬ ᴸ ᴲ ᵡ ᵪ

    Other [LUA] [GS] [SEMIRAGE] Endpoint.digital invite giveaway

    ===================================================================== EDIT!!! Valve patched this! The giveaway is not longer available, to prevent you using money on this if it's not working. ===================================================================== !! This is a paid lua for GS. I...