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legacy fix

  1. Tutorial How to download 2018 using steam depot downloader

    This tutorial will show you how to download the 2018 client. Brought to you by Dick's Legacy HvH and The Colosseum HvH Steps: 1) Downloading the depot downloader download the [depot downloader]( and make sure to download the...
  2. Tutorial Proper Legacy Launch Fix (Popup Blocking menu, unable to join servers)

    Proper fix, for the game closing when launching 2018. First, go to your "2018 March" install folder -> and go into the "csgo" folder. Find your steam.inf config file, and open it. It should say something like "ClientVersion=650" and you need to change that to "ClientVersion=2000258" When you...
  3. Tutorial FIX FOR 2018 csgo (Crash on start)

    So, if your csgo is crashing on start (2018 version) there is one way to fix this. You wanna replace the "client.dll" in F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\2k18csgo\csgo\bin (your 2018 csgo folder) with the "client.dll" that you gonna download from here. Simple as that! Hope this...