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legacy servers

  1. Tutorial 2018 server tutorial

    This tutorial is to download the 2018 server files using steam CMD ⚠️Requirements⚠️ VPS or dedicated server This tutorial is written using Ubuntu 22.04 as the installed operating system - Bare minimum: 2 vCores/Threads/2GB ram/30GB+ Storage - Recommended: 3 vCores/Threads/3GB ram/50GB+ Storage...
  2. Other 2018 legacy hvh server ip?

  3. List [CSGO 2018 / Legacy] HvH Server List

    Admin edit: there is new Server Browser on forum: IF THEY DOESN'T WORK, DON'T BLAME ME, THEY PROBABLY SHUTDOWN THE SERVER - MrX 2018 HvH MM (France) - MrX 2018 HvH MM #2 (France) - MrX 2018 HvH MM #3...