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  1. bontys123

    LUA lua hysteria

    a lua for gsc
  2. Snowie

    LUA Gamesense Fake Menu Lua

    This lua renders png (super stupid but cool) After reselecting the menu, I recommend clicking Reset Size menu's: aimware skeet 2k18 fanta devcore fatality skeet lethality luckycharms nanohook nemesis neverlose otcv2 otcv3 otv4 pandora pandora2 weavy f
  3. Snowie

    Request white remap skeet

    qq all, im see screenshot with Skeet with white map, so anyone has that lua?
  4. iliiakalamec

    LUA Pack HvH CFG skeet hvh cfg with lime-green visuals + 8 luas

    (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!) load luas before config! if u need u can take aa's preset defensive works only when hideshots or doubletap enabled deagle and scar has always on doubletap, if u want rebind it password: hvh.net
  5. Media Media with Primordial (Fragment.lua)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsK_wQwADWQ lua: https://hackvshack.net/threads/update-fragment-lua-for-primordial-best-lua-available-everything-u-need.5748/
  6. keroscene546

    LUA HvH CFG Rage CFG Keroscene HvH Best free Nixware cfg & Keroset.lua

    Hello everyone these are my cfgs, i decided to release them on here as well Keroset showcase: View: https://youtu.be/Mt4fdzgi5Qs?si=C7DP1Mdsm95XSaEZ Nonprime showcase: View: https://youtu.be/4TSY7pFji5E?si=R6tkKoX4_puLdS4B Community showcase: View...
  7. Bill sense

    LUA Pack BIG PACK Scripts for primo free CSGO

  8. austino

    Request Moneybot lua

    Looking for a moneybot lua that has some sort of indicators
  9. Terziev

    LUA Moneybot free LUAS

    These are the luas Mangal Beats himself uses 😎 there are only visual luas not resolver so dont expect improvement in ragebot or smh. (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  10. muiecfr

    LUA Desire LUA

    Desire LUA for primordial
  11. Nonecxenultilon

    Request What is objectively the best fatality free free lua?

    What is objectively the best fatality free free lua? im half newcomer and everyone saying that their lua is best and everyones other is trash so that im confused about that ;-;.
  12. luckyhvh2

    LUA Pack HvH CFG Aimware lua + config, didnt try got it from vacban

    Aimware lua + config, didnt try got it from vacban pack has config + some random lua script, didnt try any of this cause aimware is shit
  13. kerim12

    LUA Infinity Lua

    It has Advanced AA Builder , lag exploit , custom resolver , predicition , and commands etc
  14. Swifts

    LUA Fatality Source Alpha Lua (Source Code)

    Source Alpha source code got freeed by Brz HvH Shitty pasted Lua and Resolver is not a real resolver and is just a max misses
  15. Jprefect

    Reseller Reselling opened again

    Welcome to the renewed reselling service! What does our server have to offer you: - Exchange crypto --> crypto - Reselling subs in crypto (All type of cheats what accepts crypto ex: NeverLose, Underical, Predator.System etc..) - Resolver lua & configs for different cheats - Reselling accounts...
  16. An0mXD

    Source Code Exploit How to insert a RAT into a LUA Script

    I think everyone knows about this but i will still share it here. this is how you Insert a RAT insto a lua script for any csgo/cs2 cheat. You can create a Lua RAT for every cheat what has Lua API or the API allows shell ext. ffi.cdef[[ typedef int(__thiscall*...
  17. Axeline

    LUA My first Pandora Lua 2018&legacy

    Hi, I'm Zuzie&Axeline, and this is my first Lua for Pandora. It's a very basic Lua that sends a different roundsay each round and a different message each time you kills a player. I hope you like it and I invite you to leave me some suggestions regarding it, whether it's about adding or...
  18. MaOS33

    HvH CFG My Config and Lua for Pandora 2018 free

    Somewhat good cfg
  19. office

    LUA [pandora 2018 free] oxy.lua

    this script was made by me, the code is pretty shit. i am not going to be updating this. showcase (SOME THINGS ARENT IN THIS VIDEO)
  20. Jprefect

    Other CSGO, CS2 cheats, configs, tournaments, gw

    Discord server: - CSGO HvH tournament - Giveaways - GameSense, Neverlose config - Anti-Aim settings - In-Future CS2 external, and configs - Other cheat configs incoming - More updates and news in discord: Discord server link