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  1. iliiakalamec

    Other tutorial - how to make veri gud cfg and DONT USE THE FREE AHH CONFIGS

    this is for csgo 2023 hvh! firstly, we need to geet a good lua bc vanilla cheats as primordial free or skeet free is not really good. for primo i recommend you the fragment.lua, for skeet - wraith free, amphibia free, xo-yaw or even bluhgang use defensive doubletap with 10 fakelag if u...
  2. YaYaWhyNot


    Send usefull luas, from small to BIG, i need to create cfg, if i get many good luas, i will create good cfg for aimware.
  3. fadeisDace

    LUA HvH CFG rawetrip config with Primordial Clantag lua

    CFG Path: AppData\Roaming\rawetripp\Configs
  4. Plisskien

    LUA Pack Lua Pack for Legendware V3 (45 luas)

    All luas should work on any lw paste, unless this paste lua api was modified There are luas like DT boost.lua, Optimization.lua, Lagsync.lua, Fake lag switch.lua, and more, have fun :)