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  1. Terziev

    HvH CFG Rage CFG Onetap Legacy Config

    This is mangal beats's otc2legacy config. Visuals arent mine but config is above average id say, good for every gun (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  2. Terziev

    HvH CFG Rage CFG Best Moneybot free config by best hvher Mangal Beats

    Best Moneybot free Config made by the best hvher himself aka Mangal Beats Playstyle: Very aggressive, glhf get easy kd. (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  3. Terziev

    HvH CFG Rage CFG MoneyBot free Config by MangalBeats

    Best moneybot free config by the hvh legend mangal beats. go aggressive and dont be retarded 5kd guaranteed (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  4. cute

    HvH CFG BEST cfg free lua (NEVERLOSE)

    https://en.neverlose.cc/market/item?id=xsoNVv best cfg free lua
  5. wisps1337

    HvH CFG monolith cfg

    dt - g hd - b alt - pushback p100 dt$ cfg by dodikpatay