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  1. Axeline

    LUA My first Pandora Lua 2018&legacy

    Hi, I'm Zuzie&Axeline, and this is my first Lua for Pandora. It's a very basic Lua that sends a different roundsay each round and a different message each time you kills a player. I hope you like it and I invite you to leave me some suggestions regarding it, whether it's about adding or...
  2. MaOS33

    HvH CFG My Config and Lua for Pandora 2018 free

    Somewhat good cfg
  3. office

    LUA [pandora 2018 free] oxy.lua

    this script was made by me, the code is pretty shit. i am not going to be updating this. showcase (SOME THINGS ARENT IN THIS VIDEO)
  4. sneek

    Pandora free

    I played HvH recently and someone recomended me to use the new Pandora free (Pandora free by Pinkking). I tried, but it always crashes instantly. So i tried another injector but it still crashes. The Injectors I tried: ExtremeInjector, Xenos, SazInjector, Couinjector.... And yes i HAVE...
  5. TomiHVH

    Safe latest pandora freeed by pinkking

    VirusTotal.com Link: csgo dll: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/e04cc26f71a05330f5ac6d13ababfedf765befbcc984762c9431484c1af52494?nocache=1 VirusTotal.com Link: steam module: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/76b688ee26df4b2c3f3b1f87e11ef6134d17871121108638a7539e371217236e Analyze suspicious...
  6. Pickle Rick

    Safe Cra Pandora HvH cheat fix 11.06.2023

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4f3ef1bce7589477a05a8be80774a42e7701868f501300d01e0a4d5ce6653bdc https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ba698610d9810da8ea5a8d193e916fb962c888f8874a41fdc3a5ccdaf23d9d66 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat...
  7. dFL

    Unknown⠀ All 2020 Cheats i have gotten in 2020.

    So, this thread is made for multiple cheats, in 1 place. We'll start with the best and end with the worst! First off, goes weave 2.5. Reason: Has one of the best ideal tick, good double tap and good resolver (prediction kinda sucks) DLL : https://anonfiles.com/l9ueV2b3ze/weave2_52020_dll...
  8. Qosp

    LUA Pandora shadowyaw.lua

    Pandora HvH lua Enjoy :) Cfg: https://hackvshack.net/threads/pandora-hvh-cfg-2022.2743 (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  9. MamakHvH

    HvH CFG Pandora / Pwndora / Pandora Legacy CFG

  10. MamakHvH

    LUA Legacy Pandora.gg / Pwndora.Store / Pandora $DATFAIL.LUA

  11. niqqggqqes

    Pandora.gg invite

    How much do they want now for an invitation to pandora.gg ?
  12. lexoffpls

    Safe babyborn

    This is a new cheat on pandora sources DOWNLOAD | VIRUSTOTAL Source: https://mega.nz/file/meQkFDha Decription key: nxsQ2Xs4_GD2sH9xripp-IsB1u9tAVK-RkLUpZcTgdA
  13. lexoffpls

    Safe PANDORA V3

    Fixed by Shonax DOWNLOAD | VirusTotal | Source Code Decryption key src: 9n7kbLGMEv_rWvjIE6_XdZGwR8xLaHxp6PH4yeeLiPI
  14. Pls fix My source code Pandora for legacy

    Pls fix My source code Pandora for legacy donwload src pandora : https://anonfiles.com/zcx4e8f5y7/immortal_source_leak_3_rar
  15. Giuseppe

    Safe Cra Pandora Fix July!!!

    IMPORTANT CREATE A FOLDER CALLED "pdr" IN DOCUMENTS!!! ELSE IT WON'T WORK VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/73a29ac61b9e4e7600abe1079f1a93849684a3ab51d6b1ae59eb74c7f2c153f6/detection Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu...