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  1. LUA My first Pandora Lua 2018&legacy

    Hi, I'm Zuzie&Axeline, and this is my first Lua for Pandora. It's a very basic Lua that sends a different roundsay each round and a different message each time you kills a player. I hope you like it and I invite you to leave me some suggestions regarding it, whether it's about adding or...
  2. HvH CFG My Config and Lua for Pandora 2018 free

    Somewhat good cfg
  3. LUA [pandora 2018 free] oxy.lua

    this script was made by me, the code is pretty shit. i am not going to be updating this. showcase (SOME THINGS ARENT IN THIS VIDEO)
  4. Cheat Pandora free

    I played HvH recently and someone recomended me to use the new Pandora free (Pandora free by Pinkking). I tried, but it always crashes instantly. So i tried another injector but it still crashes. The Injectors I tried: ExtremeInjector, Xenos, SazInjector, Couinjector.... And yes i HAVE...
  5. Safe latest pandora freeed by pinkking Link: csgo dll: Link: steam module: Analyze suspicious...
  6. Safe Cra Pandora HvH cheat fix 11.06.2023 Link: Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat...
  7. Unknown⠀ All 2020 Cheats i have gotten in 2020.

    So, this thread is made for multiple cheats, in 1 place. We'll start with the best and end with the worst! First off, goes weave 2.5. Reason: Has one of the best ideal tick, good double tap and good resolver (prediction kinda sucks) DLL :
  8. LUA Pandora shadowyaw.lua

    Pandora HvH lua Enjoy :) Cfg: (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  9. HvH CFG Pandora / Pwndora / Pandora Legacy CFG

  10. LUA Legacy / Pwndora.Store / Pandora $DATFAIL.LUA

  11. invite

    How much do they want now for an invitation to ?
  12. Safe babyborn

    This is a new cheat on pandora sources DOWNLOAD | VIRUSTOTAL Source: Decription key: nxsQ2Xs4_GD2sH9xripp-IsB1u9tAVK-RkLUpZcTgdA
  13. Safe PANDORA V3

    Fixed by Shonax DOWNLOAD | VirusTotal | Source Code Decryption key src: 9n7kbLGMEv_rWvjIE6_XdZGwR8xLaHxp6PH4yeeLiPI
  14. Pls fix My source code Pandora for legacy

    Pls fix My source code Pandora for legacy donwload src pandora :
  15. Safe Cra Pandora Fix July!!!

    IMPORTANT CREATE A FOLDER CALLED "pdr" IN DOCUMENTS!!! ELSE IT WON'T WORK Link: Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu...