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  1. ItsKur

    Request Griefing in 2025

    Are there any cheats that are viable for griefing atm? Like how it was in csgo. Blockbot etc
  2. dickcheesesauce

    Request Looking for CS2 fatality script frees and/or lua dumper

    Hello, I've recently seen in the fatality forums and in the server that it seems like some peoples luas were getting dumped/freeed. I was wondering if anyone has any of those luas or access to the method used to dump the scripts. Anything is appreciated!
  3. UrEdRo

    WTB Who has fatality.win invite? willing to pay

    I rlly want fatality.win invite, i want to try out other cheats and try to get away from neverlose
  4. p1ngwwwwww

    Request Where is daered otv2 config

    Where is daered otv2 config? I cant find it
  5. ARusty

    Request When will the https certificate be updated?

    i just think id make the site a little less sketchy to new users
  6. YaYaWhyNot


    Send usefull luas, from small to BIG, i need to create cfg, if i get many good luas, i will create good cfg for aimware.
  7. ItsLegit

    Request Monolith Nade Helper

    i need monolith free grenade helper locations pls if any on have it give it to me!