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  1. pxnch420

    Source Code 2018 Foot-Yaw Resolver

    Hello guys, as many people dislike the foot-yaw desync stuff that is happening in 2018 csgo atm, i might aswell share this with everyone. // if so, move yaw = move yaw ideal, and we can calculate foot yaw by an accuracy of ~45 degrees if( started_moving_this_frame && previous_record->layers[ 6...
  2. Terziev

    HvH CFG TapHack free Config

    TapHack free Config
  3. PelfoxZXC

    LUA Gamesense kitty resolver open source

    Kitty resovler open source Do what u want 🇺🇦
  4. L1N

    Script Pandora.gg lua | Cat-Yaw.dev | Currently the #1 lua alive in pandora

    This lua is one of the most famous luas on pandora.gg Developed by : cat1337#6093 @cat-yaw This lua has two versions Free Version [ Release ] And Debug Version [ BETA PAID ] Its beta version costs 2$ And Now Has a New Reborn Version 4.0 ☆ Rage-Bot : Custom Resolver Anti-Exploit [AX] ☆...
  5. lexoffpls

    Safe Net oxidehook with resolver

    Virus Total link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/16472f6bd226c1cdf724a2c235b372281e3b925ab936c139b6c9f226b1e17aac?nocache=1 read this too: This cheat is exclusively for playing on Valve servers, it's a legit cheat, maybe you can play with it on some community servers. A revolver was added...
  6. lexoffpls

    Safe weave v2 [06.06.2022]

    [06.06.2022] The list of updates will appear when injected into cmd VT SS: ➜ CONFIG LOCATION: "%AppData%\weave v2"
  7. Solitario1504

    Source Code skeet resolver trust me is real XD

    https://github.com/abrn/gamesense.pub hmmmmmm
  8. voidzero

    Source Code Cheat Onetap v2 animation layer resolver (spoonfeed / paste ready)

    I've seen this resolver posted all over yougame with users claiming it to be selfcode, it being from gamesense or just completely butchered code. As far as I know onetap v3 does not have this animlayer resolver mode for moving players, the reason for this is unknown but it might be due to...