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  1. Unknown⠀ Cra Weave v2,5 updated new resolver Link: Screenshot of Cheat Menu: weave v2,5 menu lol CFG Path: same as old weave
  2. Safe Cra Weave V2 fixed Link: Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: CFG Path: Appdata/Roaming/weave WARNING ! : Expect some features to be broken ...
  3. Safe weave v2 [06.06.2022]

    [06.06.2022] The list of updates will appear when injected into cmd VT SS: ➜ CONFIG LOCATION: "%AppData%\weave v2"
  4. JS Pack HvH CFG Weave 2.5 CFGs and JS

    !NOTICE! Do not run more than one script on weave, or it will say something along the lines of, "missing js.keybinds" many times in your developer console. Configs - Sus-Yaw CFG, Slimz (My personal) CFG Scripts - 4PermaYaw, Sus-Yaw, Wegar-Yaw (all paid) Have fun Weave users! :) -Slimz
  5. Other how to hvh

    Guys, I'm new to cheating.. I installed weave.dll and don't know how to inject it or even use it.. Could anyone please help? Those people from weave support told me to delete system 32.
  6. Pack HvH CFG configs

    hello here are some cfg Scripts: added some config
  7. HvH CFG Plisskien's HvH CFG for Weave v2.5

    Plisskien's HvH CFG for Weave v2.5 CFG Location: \AppData\Roaming\weave\configs
  8. JS HvH CFG v2.5 config + lumen.js(rus version) + frontliner.js(en version)

    Path to cfg:%appdata%/weave/configs Path to scripts:%appdata%/weave/scripts
  9. JS Pack scripts

    hello here are some js Configs: