Rookie HvHer
- User ID
- 23365
- Messages
- 12
- Reactions
- 5
- Level
- 4
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void Client::DrawHUD() {
int ms = std::max(0, (int)std::round(g_cl.m_latency * 1000.f));
int rate = (int)std::round(1.f / g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval);
Color color = g_gui.m_color;
time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
std::ostringstream time;
time << std::put_time(std::localtime(&t), ("%H:%M:%S"));
bool show_user = (g_menu.main.misc.watermark.get(0));
bool show_build = (g_menu.main.misc.watermark.get(1));
bool show_delay = (g_menu.main.misc.watermark.get(2));
bool show_shots = (g_menu.main.misc.watermark.get(3));
bool show_time = (g_menu.main.misc.watermark.get(4));
//change to whatever name u want
std::string text = "paradox";
if (show_user) {
text += tfm::format(XOR(" | %s"), g_cl.m_userr);
if (show_build) {
text += tfm::format(XOR(" | %s"), g_cl.m_build);
if (show_delay) {
if (ms == 0) {
text += XOR(" | local server");
} else {
text += tfm::format(XOR(" | delay: %i ms"), ms);
if (show_shots) {
text += tfm::format(XOR(" | taps: %i"), g_shots.taps);
if (show_time) {
text += tfm::format(XOR(" | %s"), time.str().data());
render::FontSize_t target_size = render::hud.size(text);
static float current_width = 0;
static float current_height = 0;
float animation_speed = 0.2f;
current_width += (target_size.m_width - current_width) * animation_speed;
current_height += (target_size.m_height - current_height) * animation_speed;
int rounded_width = std::round(current_width);
int rounded_height = std::round(current_height);
int padding = 5;
int radius = 5;
int border_thickness = 1; // Border thickness
int watermark_width = rounded_width + 2 * padding + 2 * border_thickness;
int watermark_height = rounded_height + 2 * padding + 2 * border_thickness;
int x_position = m_width - watermark_width - 10;
int y_position = 10;
render::round_rect(x_position, y_position, watermark_width, watermark_height, radius, { 255, 255, 255, 60 });
render::round_rect(x_position + border_thickness, y_position + border_thickness, rounded_width + 2 * padding, rounded_height + 2 * padding, radius, { 23, 23, 23, 255 });
int text_y_position = y_position + padding + (watermark_height - rounded_height) / 10;
render::hud.string(m_width - padding - 10, text_y_position, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, text, render::ALIGN_RIGHT);
void render::round_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, Color color) {
Vertex round[64];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int _x = x + ((i < 2) ? (w - r) : r);
int _y = y + ((i % 3) ? (h - r) : r);
float a = 90.f * i;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
float _a = math::deg_to_rad(a + j * 6.f);
round[(i * 16) + j] = Vertex(vec2_t(_x + r * sin(_a), _y - r * cos(_a)));
g_csgo.m_surface->DrawTexturedPolygon(64, round);
in render.h void round_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, Color color);