this is the basics of hvh.
1 - dont disable your brain and go +w, you wil get destroyed
2 - use autopeek, or autopeek + mindamage. your own peeking is hittable
3 - use onshot retreat
4 - if your enemy has lower hp than 50 you can use autopeek + baim
5 - if your enemy has lower hp than 30 you can use autopeek + mindamage + double tap
6 - if your enemy has lower hp than 20 you can use autopeek + mindamage
7 - abuse dt teleporting. if you wanna jump to enemy safely, uncharge dt when you are hittable
8 - use defensive antiaim in air, crouch, slow walk.
9 - use hideshots when your enemy has nl/gs with custom resolver.
10 - use baim + doubletap if your cheat didnt resolve enemy till last 2 rounds
11 - dont use "safe head in air" function. its unusable when your enemy has good cfg not hitchance 100 mindamage 100 hitbox head