Expert HvHer
at start i want to mention that's not my cheat and i'm linking directly to github page that i downloaded from
hello today i'm posting cheat for GMOD it kinda looks like onetap in my opinion, it's good for rage, semi-rage, legit and everything you want

How to use it:
1. download repo
2. open your gmod dir
3. go to the garrysmod folder in gmod dir
4. paste these 2 folders from archive there
5. open gmod
6(only if you want on server that has sv_allowcslua set to 0). download any lua_openscript_cl bypass and inject it
7. join game
8(only if you are on your local server) type in console "sv_allowcslua 1"
9. type in console "lua_openscript_cl roachhookv2.lua"
10. you should now succesfully loaded the cheat (YIPPE!)
hello today i'm posting cheat for GMOD it kinda looks like onetap in my opinion, it's good for rage, semi-rage, legit and everything you want

How to use it:
1. download repo
2. open your gmod dir
3. go to the garrysmod folder in gmod dir
4. paste these 2 folders from archive there
5. open gmod
6(only if you want on server that has sv_allowcslua set to 0). download any lua_openscript_cl bypass and inject it
7. join game
8(only if you are on your local server) type in console "sv_allowcslua 1"
9. type in console "lua_openscript_cl roachhookv2.lua"
10. you should now succesfully loaded the cheat (YIPPE!)
Password for .zip file is
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