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Recent content by An0mXD

  1. An0mXD

    Info Underical skeet "free"

    dutu xy0 dutu deathrow dutu Romanian Cheat Developer
  2. An0mXD

    Source Code GetStickerKitDefinition

    I take absolutely no credit for this. auto& stickerKits(void) const { return * reinterpret_cast<UtlMap<int, StickerKit * >*>(std::uintptr_t(this) + 0x318); //m_mapStickerKits } StickerKit* GetStickerKitDefinition(int iStickerKitID) { std::optional<StickerKit*> sticker_in_map =...
  3. An0mXD

    Source Code CS2 NoFlash

    SCHEMA( float, flash_duration, "C_CSPlayerPawnBase", "m_flFlashDuration" )[/ICODE] [ICODE] auto pawn = c_base_player::get_local_player< c_base_player_pawn * >( 0 ); if ( !pawn ) return; if ( config::context.no_flash ) pawn->flash_duration() = 0.f;
  4. An0mXD


  5. An0mXD

    Source Code PSilent aim

    bad way to do it. for (int i = 0; i < cmd->csgoUserCmd.nTickCount; i++) { CCSGOInputHistoryEntryPB* pInputEntry = cmd->csgoUserCmd.GetInputHistoryEntry(i); if (pInputEntry == nullptr) continue; if (pInputEntry->pViewCmd == nullptr)...
  6. An0mXD

    Source Code Exploit Rapid Fire Code

    I know it is a bad way to do it and it has been posted somewhere else. don't mind the shitcode float shift_amount; if (rage->sub_tick_data.command == impl::command_msg::rapid_fire) { // override tickcount InputHistoryEntry->m_nPlayerTickCount =...
  7. An0mXD

    Source Code Exploit How to insert a RAT into a LUA Script

    I think everyone knows about this but i will still share it here. this is how you Insert a RAT insto a lua script for any csgo/cs2 cheat. You can create a Lua RAT for every cheat what has Lua API or the API allows shell ext. ffi.cdef[[ typedef int(__thiscall*...