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  1. busikhvh

    Request how to make good aa?

    i used to play hvh few years ago and im coming back to it. i always used someones configs not mine and im trying to do my cfg but i think the anti aim is not good enough. is there also some specific good/best lua for gamesense? i was trying to do the aa with wraith mainly but idk if its the best...
  2. iliiakalamec

    Other tutorial - how to make veri gud cfg and DONT USE THE FREE AHH CONFIGS

    this is for csgo 2023 hvh! firstly, we need to geet a good lua bc vanilla cheats as primordial free or skeet free is not really good. for primo i recommend you the fragment.lua, for skeet - wraith free, amphibia free, xo-yaw or even bluhgang use defensive doubletap with 10 fakelag if u...
  3. Terziev

    HvH CFG TapHack free Config

    TapHack free Config
  4. L_auberginee

    Source Code How to make a anti-aim for cs:go latest

    jitter AA, custom pitch
  5. L1N

    Script Pandora.gg lua | Cat-Yaw.dev | Currently the #1 lua alive in pandora

    This lua is one of the most famous luas on pandora.gg Developed by : cat1337#6093 @cat-yaw This lua has two versions Free Version [ Release ] And Debug Version [ BETA PAID ] Its beta version costs 2$ And Now Has a New Reborn Version 4.0 ☆ Rage-Bot : Custom Resolver Anti-Exploit [AX] ☆...
  6. ᴬ ᴸ ᴲ ᵡ ᵪ

    LUA [GS] Enable Roll Angle in Different State [Air/Speed/Stamina]

    *COPIED FROM FORUMS* [ Description ] By using this lua, You are enable to Rolling without affecting your speed velocity as much as possible, and you can customize in what state Rolling is enabled (such as In Air/On Ladders/low speed velocity/stamina, etc.), and it would not affects any antiaim...