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  1. iliiakalamec

    LUA Pack HvH CFG skeet hvh cfg with lime-green visuals + 8 luas

    (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!) load luas before config! if u need u can take aa's preset defensive works only when hideshots or doubletap enabled deagle and scar has always on doubletap, if u want rebind it password: hvh.net
  2. Media Media with Primordial (Fragment.lua)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsK_wQwADWQ lua: https://hackvshack.net/threads/update-fragment-lua-for-primordial-best-lua-available-everything-u-need.5748/
  3. Majonez1337

    HvH CFG Rage CFG My HvH Gamesense.pub CS:GO cfg

    Gamesense CSGO 2023 HvH config
  4. M1000

    HvH CFG Primordial HvH Config

    Here’s the link to my free config server, where I post updates: Link
  5. machermacher

    HvH CFG poophack cfg | scout, auto

    lmk things to improve.
  6. HvH CFG burgerware hvh config by me

    i made these burgerware cfgs for auto and scout (first cfg is scout second is auto) that hits p config directory: Documents/Burgerware binds: mouse3 - thirdperson mouse5 - autopeek x - left c - right v - backward
  7. Fizzy

    HvH CFG Poophack cfg by Fizzy

    Config location: C:\Poophack V4 Media:
  8. MaOS33

    HvH CFG My Config and Lua for Pandora 2018 free

    Somewhat good cfg
  9. ryanoutcome

    HvH CFG Onetap Green Config (+skins)

    Directly(ish) upgraded version of this config I released a few months back however since anonfile died and that config was lost I decided to release my updated version with an updated assortment of skins as well. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  10. Request gamesense hvh config?

    hello, ive been trying to find a hvh config for gamesense, i tried config-ing one but idk how to and im new to cheating. thanks in advanced
  11. YaYaWhyNot

    LUA HvH CFG $$$ Aimware.net Cfg $$$

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Cfg for aimware.net with luas! The config will be updated. Its only testing, and i cant say that this cfg havent got any problems, . Here are the most notable problems...
  12. ryanoutcome

    HvH CFG OT Green Config & Skins

    Everyone on 2018 HVH is toxic as oh no so I hope that releasing an actual quality config will change it some. I'd like to hear any suggestions on improving the AA and Auto settings <3 (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  13. CataLEAN

    Media I am back! ft LambdaHook v2

    My new hvh highlights after a pause of about 2 years. Enjoy! +free config in video description
  14. CataLEAN

    HvH CFG CataLEAN's HvH LambdaHook V2 CFG

    CataLEAN's HvH LambdaHook V2 CFG CFG Location: %appdata%/lambdahook Showcase:
  15. LUA HvH CFG p100 Rawetrip Config + Lua

    So here is my p100 Rawetrip Config that includes divine.lua v3 Paste the rawetripp folder to: C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming
  16. IAmNelson

    Safe Better Supremacy V2 AKA Supremacy.oh no!

    VirusTotal.com Lin: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/68564afbff57b72f3c02d452be43e2cf816ca9a8fbd9fa675c57f3b58cce3592?nocache=1 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: Skeet.idb CFG Path: Documents improved alot of shit, go try it out. gonna roll out...
  17. IAmNelson

    Safe Better Supremacy.oh no

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b3ef50f25e99f93b06c516868af0fe31388256f6ec5812adfaf454eb5a1e6c28 Screenshot of Cheat Menu: Supremacy Menu CFG Path: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\user tbh this shit ain't bad, It's just default supremacy with a little bit of fixes, Better...
  18. LeoOnLSD

    Pack Rage CFG Legit CFG trages Novoline Configs

    Hello i Just wanted to post configs for Novoline for me its too hard to config maybe my Config comming soon :D
  19. LeoOnLSD

    HvH CFG Onetap.su legacy Test HvH CFG

    Hello, I have a config for 2k18 Onetap V2 based on skeet visuals , enemy settings self setting is light purple xD Important: This is a test config I only tested and created it against bots, I didn't play HvH and that's why I have no idea how it is against dopium or other cheats is. I also...
  20. LeoOnLSD

    Rage CFG [Test] c0dein.tk Config

    cfg folder: C:\codein.tk hey I created a config for codein cheat if there is a config error it is a TEST config it's not my problem