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  1. Other airflow missing lib file's

    -tlc-20.lib -zlibstatik.lib -tls-20.lib -ssl-48.lib -shared.lib -kripto-46.lib Does anyone have a compiled version?
  2. Request How to do custom hitsound in wreakhavoc

    in title
  3. Other How to change cheat from 2020 to 2019 legacy?

    help please, i don't know how do this shit, i don't know where are offsets, index, structures, help please discord: trigg3r5779
  4. Help csgo legacy local server for test plugins

    I have decided to start making and port my plugins for cssv34/vsteam to csgo 2018 and 2023 however I have had problems testing them in 2023 legacy mainly because I don't know how the hell to create a csgo 2023 legacy server in 2024 I am making this thread simply to ask for guidance on this...
  5. Request how to get function from a dll?

    how can i dump/get a func like resolver etc from a .dll file on ida ?
  6. Other guys, who know how to fix this error in underical?

    Err: ( FFFFFFFF) SocketError: 0x10008 | Ox6 | no support for error strings built in after rebooting this error shows up when i injecting cheat
  7. WTB Who has invite? willing to pay

    I rlly want invite, i want to try out other cheats and try to get away from neverlose
  8. Request Looking for the airflow su docs / lua api

    I'm looking for someone with saved version of airflow su api. Wayback machine ain't of no help. Maybe some1 has saved it locally if yes please share. :)
  9. Request YouTube request

    I know this is not the best topic to request, or question about. But does anyone know how to strike hvh videos? I used to strike a few but those methods are now outdated so they are not working 😂. For every answer in comment or ds: prefecthallo
  10. Request Best 2k18 cheat as of right now?

    what yall think is the best 2k18 hvh cheat rn? free, paid and private
  11. Other Whats causing the red trust issue?

    This question is not about a specific module. It is about which method triggers red trust, is it RPM and WPM or what is it? I left the CS cheating scene about 2 years ago and am now back in it. Is it something like VMT Hooking or what is the point that triggers Red Trust?
  12. Request gamesense hvh config?

    hello, ive been trying to find a hvh config for gamesense, i tried config-ing one but idk how to and im new to cheating. thanks in advanced