There is new malware grabber threat, on Russian Telegram channel under name 'YoungReverse', you can download on this Telegram fake Neverlose free, this is probably grabber, it will steal all your password, and crypto wallets, it also may download any documents from your computer!!! Zip file contains 2 files cheat.exe, and steam_module.dll, cheat.exe file obfuscated, and packed.
Hash of cheat file: 2ca0bc751b4b32236064a5729da2c22584444bf63108cfd1c11a9f9e1670ec06
Hash of steam_module.dll: 4f3ef1bce7589477a05a8be80774a42e7701868f501300d01e0a4d5ce6653bdc
0x1300 the steam module is the one PinkKing did for pandora, please note that do not run any applications or DLL's you got from random sources / telegram groups since you can get yourself infected really easily)
Don't execute this cheat.exe under any circumstances, but if you be mistake launched it, reinstall your windows system, and later change all your passwords in all browsers, crypto wallets.
Previews from (link upper), and 'YoungReverse' Telegram channel

Hash of cheat file: 2ca0bc751b4b32236064a5729da2c22584444bf63108cfd1c11a9f9e1670ec06
You must be registered for see links
Hash of steam_module.dll: 4f3ef1bce7589477a05a8be80774a42e7701868f501300d01e0a4d5ce6653bdc

Don't execute this cheat.exe under any circumstances, but if you be mistake launched it, reinstall your windows system, and later change all your passwords in all browsers, crypto wallets.
Previews from (link upper), and 'YoungReverse' Telegram channel