Please read the text above!
Now, when you guys know im not desperate and begging for a invite like a shamed kid, i can tell you. I CAN'T GET A DAMN INVITE! I've played HvH for a long time using nix, im able to tap skeet, plag and sometimes nl or ft. ( Unless they're not gods ). I've helped out many cheaters to create good cfgs and my own cfg for nixware is out for anyone to download for free on my nix profile. But my problem is that i never get a damn invite! I have a guy on dc that i helped with a cfg, he wants to give me free inv but he's not repsonding atm. He clearly didn't know what ppl pay for a inv, so i told him and now he's not responding

Many ppl offers me decent price for invites, but the problem is that i don't want to pay that sussy methods. Like man, why choose some wierd chinese or slavic site taht gives me scammer waring,when u can use some safe international way. I would ike a inv, but im not begging for it.
If you may can offer me a fata invite for free, i would be the happiest person alive. ( Im decent good to make cfgs )
PS why is VAC afk? Im litterly AA, 180 FOV, nop, sub tick exploit and more detected shit for 30h without ban. LIKE WTH VALVE!