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Newbie HvHer
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hi yung hvh boys n girls
it's my first thread at this forum. decision to register there was motivated by get banned on russian hvh forum yougame (no ad). i was banned due to using in 2(!) threads my native language (ukrainian), not russian. first thread was banned due to rule about (!?) useless threads....
i posted moderator verdict in off topic and i got permanent banned for this. anyway, this is RUSSIAN forum with toxic community, i hope EU community would be much better :)
what about hvh, i started playing in 2020 with otc3... that's was weird, but cool. due to this period i paid:
-infinite number of different lw pastes
-weave 2.5 (rn)
-hope i get fatality this month

p.s. i know that nobody cares, but i need to tell, which guy am i

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