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  1. pxnch420

    Source Code 2018 Foot-Yaw Resolver

    Hello guys, as many people dislike the foot-yaw desync stuff that is happening in 2018 csgo atm, i might aswell share this with everyone. // if so, move yaw = move yaw ideal, and we can calculate foot yaw by an accuracy of ~45 degrees if( started_moving_this_frame && previous_record->layers[ 6...
  2. zaneATAT

    Source Code Supremacy jumpscout autostop

    This is basically the first thing I code in c++ (I'm a java developer) I didn't code it in default supremacy but in a different supremacy based cheat, almost same thing u get the idea In some supremacy pastes like eax and taphack there's a feature called "full stop in air" or "instant stop in...
  3. muiecfr

    HvH CFG Saphack cfg

    my saphack cfg, hits nicely path : documents / user
  4. machermacher

    HvH CFG poophack cfg | scout, auto

    lmk things to improve.
  5. PancakeWithPotato

    Safe Materia (older) release

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/a55281c7a6a525915a9762410f3879194b42332378afd7ac50856b3ff49084f7 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: CFG Path: Documents Long time hiatus only to drop this thing damn. Not the most recent...
  6. c0rival

    Safe Le zaphack.wtf freeed

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/49bbe264574088e2f2c2420f6c68efaf385dabf94b727883de848380e4b08304?nocache=1 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: Based off that one fake naphack free CFG Path: Somewhere in documents
  7. prolex

    Info NEXUS EU 2018 HVH IS BACK! (new host)

    The nexus 2018 legacy hvh server is back up again with a new faster host, and new maps! connect For more information: nexus discord What is limited or disabled by plugin in the server Server rules Current maps (There's also a vote going on for maps to add in to the map pool...
  8. Bruris

    Tutorial How to download 2018 using steam depot downloader

    This tutorial will show you how to download the 2018 client. Brought to you by Dick's Legacy HvH and The Colosseum HvH Steps: 1) Downloading the depot downloader download the [depot downloader](https://github.com/SteamRE/DepotDownloader/releases) and make sure to download the...
  9. Bruris

    Tutorial 2018 server tutorial

    This tutorial is to download the 2018 server files using steam CMD ⚠️Requirements⚠️ VPS or dedicated server This tutorial is written using Ubuntu 22.04 as the installed operating system - Bare minimum: 2 vCores/Threads/2GB ram/30GB+ Storage - Recommended: 3 vCores/Threads/3GB ram/50GB+ Storage...
  10. uwukson

    Unknown⠀ cuteflow legacy

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/9a22c7bc12b2c0a8a1c7a6f61946d9982b953dec8bce512cb2a94d8fdec147e4?nocache=1 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: CFG Path: [csgo folder]\cuteflow legacy discord: https://discord.gg/GGZwME6kCG
  11. Source Code the toppest supremacy colorpicker (perfect codenz)

    if you want good colorpicker in supremasi then here u go all r2p np, 1 thing i should mention, after adding this into your premium paste you should delete all of your alpha sliders and use the alpha slider from the colorpicker instead (get_alpha func from colorpicker.h) (video of colorpicker...
  12. sparkwtf

    Safe old sparkhack

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/8d646f3002a93c29fd18a4ff04c7b061c52c620bb330651e863b5be1d1d89256 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: gamesense CFG Path:C:/sparkhack.wtf its old but have fun with it
  13. R33F3R

    Info New NA 2018 HvH Legacy Deathmatch Server Fixed Connect Bug!

    Discord : https://discord.gg/F9phF7UkRq Server : connect
  14. Axeline

    LUA My first Pandora Lua 2018&legacy

    Hi, I'm Zuzie&Axeline, and this is my first Lua for Pandora. It's a very basic Lua that sends a different roundsay each round and a different message each time you kills a player. I hope you like it and I invite you to leave me some suggestions regarding it, whether it's about adding or...
  15. office

    LUA [pandora 2018 free] oxy.lua

    this script was made by me, the code is pretty shit. i am not going to be updating this. showcase (SOME THINGS ARENT IN THIS VIDEO)
  16. ryanoutcome

    HvH CFG Onetap Green Config (+skins)

    Directly(ish) upgraded version of this config I released a few months back however since anonfile died and that config was lost I decided to release my updated version with an updated assortment of skins as well. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  17. ikaros

    Safe Le eexomi.host for legacy

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/89f0c3bebd09c0b2998ca1511551bdbf74331d1106da634dac34770d25646d3a CFG Path: in game in misc: open cfg location https://discord.gg/JFD2p5RtYt - dutu server when he will be post new updates
  18. darkwillow

    HvH CFG The best config for aimware v4 (2018 csgo) / self free

    The best config for aimware by yato a.k.a lewonsky (self free(im tired to see proxy retards on servers)) For more information about the config, enter bind and alias in the cheat console (premium antiaims from my clips) clips w/ cfg: View: https://youtu.be/_pvZVqTTlgw?t=50 View...
  19. login147

    Media legacy hvh #1

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHL-J7hWrjg by best configurations: https://hackvshack.net/threads/good-free-cfg-for-otc2legacy.3647/ OTC https://hackvshack.net/threads/good-free-cfg-for-cheesehack.3758/ CHEESE https://hackvshack.net/threads/good-free-cfg-for-pdr-2022-no-using-dt.3648/ PDR