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  1. darkwillow

    HvH CFG The best config for aimware v4 (2018 csgo) / self free

    The best config for aimware by yato a.k.a lewonsky (self free(im tired to see proxy retards on servers)) For more information about the config, enter bind and alias in the cheat console (premium antiaims from my clips) clips w/ cfg: View: https://youtu.be/_pvZVqTTlgw?t=50 View...
  2. login147

    Media legacy hvh #1

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHL-J7hWrjg by best configurations: https://hackvshack.net/threads/good-free-cfg-for-otc2legacy.3647/ OTC https://hackvshack.net/threads/good-free-cfg-for-cheesehack.3758/ CHEESE https://hackvshack.net/threads/good-free-cfg-for-pdr-2022-no-using-dt.3648/ PDR
  3. Pickle Rick

    Safe NoctuaHookv3 Legacy CS:GO Cheat

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/fba17c63096758b3114b4070cb2f5f4e38e61a33fdbb713e0073caac31a45fd2 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: Discord server for updates: https://discord.gg/kFBCB5rJZF
  4. Pickle Rick

    Safe Hexagore Legacy cheat for CS:GO

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/3276e19f297e10afdb56712252c1eff9fa038e068be61b44f3657c86d3137327 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: Discord Server for updates: https://discord.gg/hbgDBUdbbE
  5. login147

    LUA HvH CFG good free cfg for pdr 2022(no using dt)

    (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!) the perfect config for pandora free 2022 but created for a game without dt dt for idiots lol
  6. blerthos

    Safe cat.zzz new free legacy cheat (discord link included)

    Decent hack I started working on visually looks pretty good I would say has some cool features imo. Discord for updates: https://discord.gg/ujdqHFFRHx NEWEST BUILD IN DISCORD VirusTotal.com...
  7. login147

    does hvh 2018 work on windows 11?

    does hvh 2018 work on windows 11?
  8. ryanoutcome

    HvH CFG OT Green Config & Skins

    Everyone on 2018 HVH is toxic as oh no so I hope that releasing an actual quality config will change it some. I'd like to hear any suggestions on improving the AA and Auto settings <3 (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  9. Safe styles fixed for 2018 csgo

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/8377a9281e1504146470b38647b06212c270cd04aa78b7100672f6b2d7672ce6?nocache=1 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: CFG Path: probably somewhere in appdata info: autowall crashes you, was lazy to...
  10. Safe Puzzle Le "oh no geico" shit supremacy paste

    This hack is not very good. (its awful and worse than default supremacy) CFG Path: C:\Users\user\Documents\vader
  11. Nado

    List [CSGO] 2018/LEGACY SERVER LIST [Updated]

    2018 Server List : - Nadoclient 2018 MM HvH (Germany) [ Double Tap Allowed] [ 1000 MS Allowed] - MrX 2018 HvH MM (France) [Blocking Double Tap] [ 1000 MS Allowed] - Emporium (NA) [Double Tap Allowed] [ 1000 MS Blocked]...
  12. login147

    HvH CFG otc(ping+noping)+pdr(new+old)+cheese cfg pack

    pack сfg, maybe you will like it
  13. wobzik

    Safe Cra titan.tech for legacy 2018

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/cbccaf9d01e052f986afa8ee232c805ca380d44aa269c1582070a0e7dc5aa84d Screenshot of Cheat Menu: CFG Path\documents\titan group vk - https://vk.com/titantechnology 1 - scar, 2 - scout, 3 - awp, 4 - deagle
  14. Larry

    Safe Le mango alpha self

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/db350cf32e65c8558ef11c13ebcec07e3fe3fc3e609f596a7999a49bc8511ae9 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: CFG Path: game directory/mango more updates are to be posted here.
  15. Larry

    Source Code Le Cheat Andromeda (brazil paste) source!

    Screenshot of Cheat Menu: supremacy CFG Path: documents/andromeda this is the latest version lmfao (Hidden text: Visit the forum thread!)
  16. Polaryed

    Safe Le Features.win

    Not bad cheat at all, freeed on yougames forum. VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ef64197d8fcd444131ec704b1339d25fe97d4825e50b2e1c599a82055c64201a Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: CFG Path: Documents\features.win
  17. legacy luckycharms

    im not sure at all but is ther any way get some version of luckycharms for 2018 ?
  18. legacylegenduid

    Source Code Cheat immortal full fix

    Credits to dutu.
  19. blerthos

    Source Code Cheat Getze.us 2k18 (needs some fixing

    You just have to fix bone system and some other small stuff. If someone fixes this please release to this forum on the 2k18 release section does everyone a huge favor!