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  1. PancakeWithPotato

    Safe Cra Onetap.su legacy version

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/8c5563f28d7e630c746f7ece68e8c7b9c8abf952f195bd8d69f8e96c3cf21fdf/community Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of cheat menu: : CFG Path: 2018 csgo folder If otc v2 legacy is crashing on start, this is cuz of...
  2. MrSMierc

    Safe Cra Goodsense (BETTER THAN OTC)

    ⚠️Use at ur own risk ⚠️ The Godsense is freeed!!! it has a nice ui and its better than otc here you go with the dll!!! virustotal : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b55f11ad47faf11c22900addc45160a8359313ccf0ea4ceb947623e66722c215 Screenshot of the menu : ⚠️Use at ur own risk ⚠️
  3. PancakeWithPotato

    HvH CFG Allahware config

    Here is my config, because someone asked for it :) Config goes into documents\allahware once u injected/created a config
  4. PancakeWithPotato

    Safe Cra Allahware 2018 cheat

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/3ba09b947e212d1a8bd138e2f951a0aeb05fae3db1fccd9a87fc0a5178bd6e12/detection Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Cheat Menu:
  5. Francja

    Safe CSGhost v4.3.1 Updated*

    Author : KittenPopo Status : Injector with Full Integrated VAC Bypass How Use? Download CSGhost v4 Turn CSGO Open Injector as Administrator Press "Select DLL To Inject" and select dll How Report VAC BAN? Just Reply this Thread with informaction like: Last date with cheat History of...