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  1. Puwpl

    Media gamesense cs2 update

    View: https://youtu.be/MJHKZtO31Iw?si=J9xsm3q3Kxl0BdgF
  2. sparkwtf

    Safe old sparkhack

    VirusTotal.com Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/8d646f3002a93c29fd18a4ff04c7b061c52c620bb330651e863b5be1d1d89256 Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware. Screenshot of Cheat Menu: gamesense CFG Path:C:/sparkhack.wtf its old but have fun with it
  3. Lolzillid

     Selling Gamesense Account (7k uid)

    A friend of mine have a non used Skeet account under 7k uid (have csgo/cs2 sub) and wanted to sell it. Dm: ropenring --- For price discussing and more Accepting: Crypto/Paypal (Mostly crypto) Info: - Register on 06-2020 - Had 2 years subscription (CSGO / CS2) - UID: 6-7xxx (if u think this is...
  4. Jprefect

    Reseller Reselling opened again

    Welcome to the renewed reselling service! What does our server have to offer you: - Exchange crypto --> crypto - Reselling subs in crypto (All type of cheats what accepts crypto ex: NeverLose, Underical, Predator.System etc..) - Resolver lua & configs for different cheats - Reselling accounts...
  5. Jprefect

    Request YouTube request

    I know this is not the best topic to request, or question about. But does anyone know how to strike hvh videos? I used to strike a few but those methods are now outdated so they are not working 😂. For every answer in comment or ds: prefecthallo
  6. Jprefect

    Script CSGO Neverlose, Gamesense AA lua script evalate

    Server link: Discord server Features: Short list of unique features Accent color - One color for all visual elements. Сloud Presets › Presets of users directly in script. Defensive builder › Min\Max, Speed, Many options. Live burning - Updates one notification when an enemy burns and does...
  7. Lolzillid

    Request GS Paintkit color modulation script

    Im currently looking for the script, but i couldn't find it anywhere. Send if u have thx.
  8. BigBrian

    Request Looking for Fatality/Gamesense invite

    Hello! I just started playing HvH 3 days ago, at the moment I am currently using Neverlose. I saw information saying that Fatality is giving an extra invite to all subscribers. I am extremely focused on desperately trying to improve, but I thought it would be a good time to test my luck and...
  9. uwukson

    Source Code synchronization of the clantag like in the gamesense

    the code is written for airflow v1 int iter = 0; std::string last_tag = (""); void c_utils::clantag() { if (!g_ctx.local) return; auto set_clan_tag = [](const char* tag, const char* name) { static auto fn = patterns::clantag.as< void(__fastcall*)(const...
  10. PelfoxZXC

    LUA Gamesense kitty resolver open source

    Kitty resovler open source Do what u want 🇺🇦
  11. PelfoxZXC

    LUA Gamesense Luasense(beta) best aa ever

    Have good custom desync like luasense or advanced #1
  12. PelfoxZXC

    LUA Gamesense remap for mirage/overpass/and another map(i forgot)

    Looking pretty good and working without any problems For use u need to go to misc or visual's and search for remap Can be laggy for some time 1-5 second's cuz loading texture's
  13. PelfoxZXC

    LUA Gamesense working best custom resolver for skeet Sauronresik

    I remember that i have custom resolver from 2k20 but it's still good for skeet
  14. PelfoxZXC

    LUA Gamesense teamskeet v4 fixed (#outdated lua fix)

    Here asf boring lua for real paste user's
  15. Jprefect

    Other CSGO, CS2 cheats, configs, tournaments, gw

    Discord server: - CSGO HvH tournament - Giveaways - GameSense, Neverlose config - Anti-Aim settings - In-Future CS2 external, and configs - Other cheat configs incoming - More updates and news in discord: Discord server link
  16. CoTamBobie?

    LUA Pack GameSense freeed Luas

    GameSense Luas: xo-yaw exodus elysium exscord lavender
  17. login147

    HvH CFG skeet/gamesense free rage config

    this configuration will be updated in the discord(click) there will also be configs for other cheats there
  18. Jprefect

    Script Gamesense.cx/underical.cx Skeet lua Axis

    Its a new lua called Axis for skeet free/real skeet. If you want a premium lua with all the functions its the best you can buy. I got missed in 30 hp by 2 gs users and 1 nl from highground, the lua visual is good, user-friendly lua. Obex loader extreme security and much more. If you want to...
  19. JannesBonk

    Source Code Cheat Gamesense.dog V3 source

    another legendware paste freeed 🥱 @swagbob :P
  20. vouza

    Source Code gamesense.dog loader source code

    source is half broken and the owner wanted me to fix it, nah. i will be giving no support on this, fix it yourself