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  1. Help! Old weapon sounds with migi making weird ass sounds!

    Hey, so I wanted to play legacy hvh with old weapon sounds, so I got migi and installed the old sounds, then started playing and noticed that the sounds were in fact the old ones but for example when stabbing air with a knife it makes very very weird, distorted sounds, so I'm just wondering if...
  2. Raesky

    Other Password

    when i try to download some cheat or whatever i need a password
  3. geborugu123

    Request I need any invite somone can give?

    I need a invite any cheat i just want one if anyone can give i gonna really happy.
  4. geborugu123

    How can I get any invites?

    How can i get any invites i need get one but i cant figure out how to get one
  5. netvar

    Need Help with Map Files in 2018 CS:GO

    Does Somebody have the Map Files for de_aztec and de_dust? i require these to play on dick kickem's hvh server and the server files don't install them, nor are they pre-installed on the 2018 csgo version on this forum. if anyone could provide me with them then it would mean alot, thank you!
  6. Pls fix My source code Pandora for legacy

    Pls fix My source code Pandora for legacy donwload src pandora : https://anonfiles.com/zcx4e8f5y7/immortal_source_leak_3_rar
  7. deanzz

    Source Code Does anyone have a update/fixed Absend.space source?

    Does anyone have a update/fixed Absend.space source if so please send it in the forum or my discord 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚗#1337 thanks!
  8. Source Code Help me fix these errors

    I started coding this lwv3 paste on my old windows, i reseted it, but wheni downloaded the source code again, it gives me many errors These are not all of the errors