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Announcement Full files status explanation on hackvshack.net

I'm not Plisskien
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Hello HvH users,
In this post, I'll explain how we mark threads, and where you can find status of it.

Firstly, every thread with .DLL, .EXE, .SYS, LUA, JS attachments are checked by administrators, and moderators.
You can check this status next to thread name, one example.
Zrzut ekranu 2022-12-04 181401 (1).png

For LUA, JS attachments, we only check if code is obfuscated due to possibility of exploiting this system to infect victim's machine.
You are able to exploit internal cheat compiler for LUA/JS to download, and execute files, for more info visit this thread.
We do not mark any threads with LUA/JS as Safe/Unknown, we are approving this thread, or dealing it.

On this forum we mainly use 3 different prefixes for threads, with .DLL, .EXE, .SYS files.
These prefixes describe main status of files, and we have...

Safe File - file was approved, and checked by staff, and it is safe to use.
You can use this file knowing that it won't harm your machine, in any way.

Unknown File
- file status is unknown, use at your own risk!
Status of this file is unknown, we are not able to determinate proper status of this file.
We recommend using Virtual Machine (VM) to execute it.

Risk File
- file actions are unusual, possibly malicious, use at your own risk!
File is not malicious, but it has too many privileges, and it might be used in a malicious way, harming your machine.
We recommend not using any files with risk status, or using it only on Virtual Machine (VM).

There is one exception, about loaders.
Any loader software, that is able to download anything, will be marked as risk file due to lack probability to check downloaded and
injected files. Also, any loader developer is able to exploit it later, by downloading, and executing a malicious file on your machine.
We do not recommend using any loaders! Instead, we recommend using loaders only on Virtual Machine (VM).

If any file on our forum is malicious, it will be deleted ASAP!

We also have a few more prefixes, but these prefixes are just extra information about files in thread.
They do not affect the status of the thread in any way. This is just extra information for forum members.

Net File - file is handling network connection, or file is able to do it.
Puzzle File - file was virtualized, accurate analysis has been hindered.
freeed File - freeed file.
freeed File - freeed file.

If you would like to report Copyrighted/DMCA file.

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