Expert HvHer
Hello guys! as you may know since csgo was discontinued by valve, now you can't properly play older csgo builds that are newer than 2018 and older than last csgo build because you gonna get this message

the error basically says that you can't play on this account and you should contact support, thats because valve shutted down csgo servers
and the fix for that is easy.
Step 1. Open Console(if you can't open console, then run game with -console parameter)
Step 2. connect to random ip(it can even be, you just need to exit from main menu)
Step 3. Disconnect
Step 4. Enjoy

the error basically says that you can't play on this account and you should contact support, thats because valve shutted down csgo servers
and the fix for that is easy.
Step 1. Open Console(if you can't open console, then run game with -console parameter)
Step 2. connect to random ip(it can even be, you just need to exit from main menu)
Step 3. Disconnect
Step 4. Enjoy