Rookie HvHer Link: Link (OSIRIS):
Analyze suspicious files to detect types of malware.
Guess what, not much to say about the paste except that it's from TabzWare and A Dev who pasted it for TabzWare XD
and it should be clear that it is safe, there are a few pull requests from GitHub in it and the Osiris base source is no longer because
something like Viewmodel XYZ is in the pull request is just one of 100 alternatives to Moonlight V7 and V8!
Have Fun!
Screenshot of Cheat Menu:
CFG Path: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\selectfire
Guess what, not much to say about the paste except that it's from TabzWare and A Dev who pasted it for TabzWare XD
and it should be clear that it is safe, there are a few pull requests from GitHub in it and the Osiris base source is no longer because
something like Viewmodel XYZ is in the pull request is just one of 100 alternatives to Moonlight V7 and V8!
Have Fun!
Screenshot of Cheat Menu:
CFG Path: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\selectfire
CFGs: [Osiris Paste] Configs | HvH?
Legit and Semirage Configs For a [Osiris Paste] Download: