UWU_xDDD polish random User ID 42493 Messages 63 Reactions 36 Level 7 12/28/24 #1 i heard unk.is released gs for free, but everytime i try to open their loader it says no subscription. does anyone know how to fix it??
i heard unk.is released gs for free, but everytime i try to open their loader it says no subscription. does anyone know how to fix it??
Bence543 Newbie HvHer User ID 104996 Messages 47 Reactions 1 Level 5 12/28/24 #2 wait for kult to update loader Upvote 0 Downvote
Qosp Mundtot Forum Contributor User ID 7660 Messages 30 Reactions 6,563 Level 35 12/28/24 #3 Bence543 said: wait for kult to update loader Click to expand... xd Upvote 0 Downvote
idk1122442200 Newbie HvHer User ID 106569 Messages 14 Reactions 0 Level 2 12/31/24 #4 there is no sense in waiting since the loader is already updated but the servers are so weird it doesnt load Upvote 0 Downvote
there is no sense in waiting since the loader is already updated but the servers are so weird it doesnt load
xDiablo1 Newbie HvHer User ID 3523 Messages 6 Reactions 0 Level 0 1/1/25 #5 u just got ratted enjoy Upvote 0 Downvote
Adurit User ID 87540 Messages 66 Reactions 6 Level 13 1/1/25 #6 you should kys and your family fire you Upvote 0 Downvote
UWU_xDDD polish random User ID 42493 Messages 63 Reactions 36 Level 7 1/2/25 #7 xDiablo1 said: u just got ratted enjoy Click to expand... wdym Upvote 0 Downvote