Legendary HvHer
this is for csgo 2023 hvh!
- firstly, we need to geet a good lua bc vanilla cheats as primordial free or skeet free is not really good. for primo i recommend you the fragment.lua,
for skeet - wraith free, amphibia free, xo-yaw or even bluhgang -
u can make any visuals u want, but i recommend u making it neutral
bind the fakeduck, doubletap, hideshots, peekbot, slowwalk, mindamage, jump at edge, manual yaw, freestanding, desync invert, thirdperson, bodyaim, safepoints
- use defensive doubletap with 10 fakelag if u are with gs free
i recommend you using defensive on these conditions - slowwalk, air, air-crouch, crouch move.
the defensive settings is 45 degree pitch or up, yaw is random, spin or opposite -
nice aa options is
opposite desync(body yaw), pitch - minimal, yaw - 180 or 180z, yaw base - at targets, yaw modifier - slow jitter or center jitter with 35,48 or 53 degree. fakelags - 15 tick, maximum - dont use anim breakers, allah legs is funny but it can break the resolver!
- and finally, the ragebot.
enable resolver(anti-aim correction), silent aim, norecoil, set accuracy boost to medium, set aim fov to 180, enable autofire, autopenetration
- use the "cycle" or "cycle x2" target selection, all hitboxes and dont forgot to enable rage!
multipoint - head, chest, body
multipoint scale - 70
mindamage - 87
hitchance - 75
mindamage override - 7
autostop - duck, in air, between shots -
multipoint - chest, body, pelvis, arms
multipoint scale - 63
mindamage - 47
hitchance - 55
mindamage override - 3
autostop - slowwalk, in air
enable prioritize body aim(force body aim for gs)
for gs set always on double tap -
multipoint - chest, body
multipoint scale - 78
mindamage - 80
hitchance - 65
mindamage override - 17
autostop - duck, in air
enable prioritize body aim(force body aim for gs) -
multipoint - head, chest, body
multipoint scale - 55
mindamage - 44
hitchance - 61
mindamage override - 4
autostop - duck, slowwalk, in air, between shots
enable prioritize body aim (force body aim for gs)
always on double tap for gs -
multipoint - heat, chest, body, arms
multipoint scale - 65
mindamage - 55
hitchance - 58
mindamage override - 3
autostop - slowwalk, in air -
enable auto bhop, autostrafe (directional), duck in air on land, auto-weapons 0 ms, infinite duck, easy strafe, autobuy. other features are optional
have a nice day
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