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Discussion Where do ppl get fatality invites

Newbie HvHer
User ID
I've recently returned to playing hvh after a long time and I've seen a lot of ppl with fatality, just wondering how I can get an invite since I've heard it's the best cheat.
Newbie HvHer
User ID
it's best for cs2, just be friends with someone who has fatality. I can send you an invite on the next invite wave
Newbie HvHer
User ID
Step by step

Option I
0. Make friends
1. Have friends
2. Wait for a friend to have fatality
3. Wait for the invite wave
4. Have money
5. Get into fatality
6: Buy fatality
7. Congrats you can start tapping nns with aimware free now

Option II
0. Have reddit
1. Go on every cheating subreddit and look for fatality invites people send
2. Get lucky
3. Get fatality
4. Buy fafality
5. Congrats you can start tapping nns with voidware now

Option III
0. Have Discord and too much time
1. Beg for invites on every server for hvh
2. Get lucky
3. Get fatality
4. Buy fafality
5. Congrats you can start tapping nns with aimware paid now

Option IV
0. Have Discord, Reddit, Vacban and a bunch of accounts
1. Look for every hvh server/sub etc
2. Join giveaways on them
3. Get lucky
4. Get Fatality
5. Buy Fatality
6. Congrats, you can start tapping nns with spirithack now

Option V
0. Have money for neverlose
1. Join a small hvh server
2. Tap fatality users
3. Friend fatality user
4. Wait for invite wave
5. Get lucky
6. Get Fatality
7: Buy Fatality
8. Congrats you can start tapping nns with xenon now

Option VI
0. Be a female
1. Tell a fatality user you’ll send nudes if you get a invite and it’s a promise
2. Wait for invite wave
3. Get Fatality
4. Buy Fatality
5. Congratd you can start tapping nns with undetek now

Option VII
0. Be a male under the age of 30
1. Tell a fatality user you’re a femboy
2. Put on the thigh highs and tell them you’ll make them happy if they give you an invite
3 Wait for invite wave
4. Get Fatality
5. But Fatality
6. Congrats you can ststt tapping nns with sharkhack now
Newbie HvHer
User ID
Step by step

Option I
0. Make friends
1. Have friends
2. Wait for a friend to have fatality
3. Wait for the invite wave
4. Have money
5. Get into fatality
6: Buy fatality
7. Congrats you can start tapping nns with aimware free now

Option II
0. Have reddit
1. Go on every cheating subreddit and look for fatality invites people send
2. Get lucky
3. Get fatality
4. Buy fafality
5. Congrats you can start tapping nns with voidware now

Option III
0. Have Discord and too much time
1. Beg for invites on every server for hvh
2. Get lucky
3. Get fatality
4. Buy fafality
5. Congrats you can start tapping nns with aimware paid now

Option IV
0. Have Discord, Reddit, Vacban and a bunch of accounts
1. Look for every hvh server/sub etc
2. Join giveaways on them
3. Get lucky
4. Get Fatality
5. Buy Fatality
6. Congrats, you can start tapping nns with spirithack now

Option V
0. Have money for neverlose
1. Join a small hvh server
2. Tap fatality users
3. Friend fatality user
4. Wait for invite wave
5. Get lucky
6. Get Fatality
7: Buy Fatality
8. Congrats you can start tapping nns with xenon now

Option VI
0. Be a female
1. Tell a fatality user you’ll send nudes if you get a invite and it’s a promise
2. Wait for invite wave
3. Get Fatality
4. Buy Fatality
5. Congratd you can start tapping nns with undetek now

Option VII
0. Be a male under the age of 30
1. Tell a fatality user you’re a femboy
2. Put on the thigh highs and tell them you’ll make them happy if they give you an invite
3 Wait for invite wave
4. Get Fatality
5. But Fatality
6. Congrats you can ststt tapping nns with sharkhack now
Bro wrote every method known to man crazy
Expert HvHer
User ID
I've recently returned to playing hvh after a long time and I've seen a lot of ppl with fatality, just wondering how I can get an invite since I've heard it's the best cheat.
Give it like a month and fatal will be public or some shit
User ID
Step by step

Option I
0. Make friends
1. Have friends
2. Wait for a friend to have fatality
3. Wait for the invite wave
4. Have money
5. Get into fatality
6: Buy fatality
7. Congrats you can start tapping nns with aimware free now

Option II
0. Have reddit
1. Go on every cheating subreddit and look for fatality invites people send
2. Get lucky
3. Get fatality
4. Buy fafality
5. Congrats you can start tapping nns with voidware now

Option III
0. Have Discord and too much time
1. Beg for invites on every server for hvh
2. Get lucky
3. Get fatality
4. Buy fafality
5. Congrats you can start tapping nns with aimware paid now

Option IV
0. Have Discord, Reddit, Vacban and a bunch of accounts
1. Look for every hvh server/sub etc
2. Join giveaways on them
3. Get lucky
4. Get Fatality
5. Buy Fatality
6. Congrats, you can start tapping nns with spirithack now

Option V
0. Have money for neverlose
1. Join a small hvh server
2. Tap fatality users
3. Friend fatality user
4. Wait for invite wave
5. Get lucky
6. Get Fatality
7: Buy Fatality
8. Congrats you can start tapping nns with xenon now

Option VI
0. Be a female
1. Tell a fatality user you’ll send nudes if you get a invite and it’s a promise
2. Wait for invite wave
3. Get Fatality
4. Buy Fatality
5. Congratd you can start tapping nns with undetek now

Option VII
0. Be a male under the age of 30
1. Tell a fatality user you’re a femboy
2. Put on the thigh highs and tell them you’ll make them happy if they give you an invite
3 Wait for invite wave
4. Get Fatality
5. But Fatality
6. Congrats you can ststt tapping nns with sharkhack now
Reddit one works update

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